youth hunting

Small Game & Furbearer

There is no minimum age for hunting small game or furbearer, but anyone under age 15 afield with firearms must be licensed, have their hunter’s safety certification if 12 years of age and older and be under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or adult authorized by their parent or guardian. All youth small game/furbearer hunters are subject to the same rules, regulations, and fines within the regular 2024-2025 Small Game/Furbearer Proclamation and the Chapter 18 Game, Fish and Recreation Code of the Three Affiliated Tribes.


Youth Small Game...…..……………...$10
Youth Furbearer.........……………….. $10
Youth Small Game/Furbearer Combo..$15

Youth Small Game & Furbearer Documents:

Youth Waterfowl Season
September 14-15, 2024

Legally licensed youth 15 years of age or younger may hunt Ducks, Mergansers, Coots, or Geese. An adult of at least 18 years of age must accompany the youth hunter into the field. The adult may not hunt Ducks, Mergansers, Coots, or Geese. The daily bag limit, including species restrictions, and all other regulations that apply to the regular Duck and Goose hunting seasons apply to this special season. 


Youth Waterfowl...….$10

Youth Small Game & Furbearer Documents:

Youth Deer Season

September 13-22, 2024

Tribal Members age 14 and 15 are eligible to receive one Deer license valid for the Youth Deer season. This includes youth who are age 13 provided they will be age 14 before the opening day of the regular gun season (November 8, 2024). If a 14 or 15-year-old is unsuccessful in harvesting a deer during the Youth Deer season, the license will also be valid during the regular Deer season. Anyone applying for these licenses is not eligible to apply for a license for the regular Deer seasons.
All firearms and archery equipment allowed during the regular Deer seasons are legal during the youth Deer season. In addition, each youth licensee must be accompanied by at least one unarmed parent, guardian, or adult authorized by their parent or guardian during the September Youth Deer Season. (A licensed hunter in the field during the Youth Deer season cannot be accompanied by a person carrying a firearm or bow and arrow unless that person is another licensed youth season hunter.)
All Youth Deer hunters are subject to the same rules, regulations, and fines within the regular 2024 Deer Gun Proclamation, 2024 Deer Bow Proclamation and the Chapter 18 Game, Fish and Recreation Code of the Three Affiliated Tribes.


Youth Deer tag...…. $10

Youth Deer Season Documents:

Youth Pheasant Season
October 5-6, 2024

Legally licensed youth ages 15 and younger may hunt Pheasants reservation-wide on October 5-6, 2024. An adult of at least 18 years of age must accompany the youth Pheasant hunter in the field. This adult may not carry a firearm and may not hunt any species of wildlife. Daily limit and hunting hours are the same as the regular season.


Youth Small Game...….$10

Youth Pheasant Documents: